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Mythical Pope Joan - The Legend

  The Legend of Pope Joannes Anglicus: Separating Fact from Fiction For a really long time, the legend of Pope Joannes Anglicus, otherwise called Pope Joan, has caught the creative mind of researchers and laypeople the same. As per a few records, Pope Joan was the main female pope ever, who masked herself as a man to climb to the papacy. Be that as it may, different sources prevent the presence from getting Pope Joannes Anglicus out and out. In this article, we will investigate the legend of Pope Joan and endeavor to isolate reality from fiction. The earliest known reference to Pope Joan can be tracked down in the narrative of the Dominican minister Jean de Mailly, written in the thirteenth 100 years. As per his record, a lady named Joan masked herself as a man and rose through the congregation positions to turn into a pope. In any case, during a parade through Rome, she started giving birth and conceived an offspring in the road, uncovering her actual character to the st...

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