Equal Marriage



The conservatives always talk about traditional marriage as if it was a real thing, but in reality, there is no such thing as a traditional marriage, you can argue all you want traditional marriage never existed in the real world. Some would say that an arranged marriage is traditional, others would say that marriage for commerce or family strength is what a traditional marriage are supposed to be. Then there are others that mention that a marriage is just between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation and nothing else. But there are people that practice polygamy in many other countries that consider that a traditional marriage, and its not always a man marrying many women, but woman marrying man men and sometimes woman as well.

The practice of polygamy was practiced in the United States until the Edmund's Anti-Polygamy Act of 1882 was ratified in congress. It just goes to show you that traditional marriage is just not real. But polygamy is for s a separate discussion all together, this is supposed to be about the not real traditional marriage.

People have argued many times that the bible says marriage is between a man and a woman and it is God’s law, which would mean that Jesus would have been married, because he wouldn’t have gone against his father’s laws. And then people use Jesus to say that same-sex marriage is sinful, even though Jesus never once mention same sex was a sin ever. Read your bible he never mentions it anywhere. Then when they religious right bring up sections from the Old Testament, they tend to forget about adultery and Divorce which are sins against God Law. These passage that do talk about same-sex relationships have all been taken out of context by religious right who want to control the masses and then the conservatives look the other way when they have committed adultery or have gotten a divorce.

Sorry for the long tangent but let’s get back to the real reason for this discussion and that is the support Same-Sex marriage as a modern societal traditional marriage form. Marriage shouldn’t be a religious institution anyway, since Judges, Captains and certain citizens can marry people, that automatically takes it out of the hands of religion

So lets get back to arrange marriages for family growth, power and commerce, if a family didn’t have a male heir and neither did the other family, they would marry their daughters off to each other and make that the marriage so the two families can gain the power equally. This also happened if the family didn’t have a female suitor, they would just marry the sons and keep the inheritance equally so they both would have the power in the land, and they would find a low man or women to procreate with either marriage to produce a male heir for later purposes.

So, all these arguments become mute because the conservatives don’t have a true moral leg to ever stand on and they have lost all arguments to what a traditional marriage is because there was, is and never has been such a thing. Most of these older traditional never had anything to do with love, modern marriages are somewhat based on love at least, and that is all that counts, and it doesn’t matter if it is between two men, two women or one man and one women, as long as they are consenting adults of legal age, it shouldn’t matter to other people that have no actual stake in other people’s marriages. It is not logical to argument against someone who loves someone else be it of the same sex or not.

If these conservatives want to continue to argue, they were the ones who were marrying their twelve and thirteen year old daughters off, until the government said NO, but in the 1930’s Child brides and grooms were as popular as movies until the law stopped it. So stop with all the bullshit you conservatives come up with for arguments because none of it is valid and never has been. The only reason people listen to your “snowflakes” is because you whine like little babies until you get heard, and bribe officials to do what you want.

Some states will let people under the age of eighteen to get married with parental or guardian consent, so there goes another nail into the traditional marriage coffin.

The funny thing is that most of the opponents of same-sex marriage have violated most of their God’s laws and ethics, by having divorces, extra-marital affairs that end in more marriage and divorces. So, they are as I have said talking out of their asses.

Marriage has changed over the centuries and even the decades so much that traditional marriage has never really existed and cant because if politicians try to make laws, they couldn’t have their affairs with their secretaries and aides, or get divorces, and they would have to get rid of their mistresses and the children they had with them, when they haven’t paid for those secret abortions.

These politicians would try and use religion as their basis, and then would be in violation of the laws and loose everything themselves, because the bible doesn’t have a grandfather clause for them.  They try to argue over something that needs to just stop and except that marriage is between consenting adults who love each other, and that is all. And yes I believe that a marriage should just be tween consenting adults, the government and the religious right need to stay out of it and let people who are in love and are happy be themselves.


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