Legalized Prostitution


Many people would disagree with legalizing prostitution on moral or health safety situations, but morality should be excluded from that argument. This is because the people who argue the moral side are the ones who tend to use a person and don’t want people to know that they are doing it. They want to stay on their soap box and stay the Hypocrites that they are. These high and mighty politicians and religious leaders are the ones who are getting caught with a paid sex worker. Yet they brush it off and go after average people for doing it. They are defiantly hypocrites no matter how you want to spin it.

I look at it this way if it is legalized, then the police will have time dealing with real crimes and if a person pays taxes on the sex work, there is money for more social programs that need it. Making it have a standard wage and get health care and even a retirement plan along with being unionized. The sex workers would be required to be checked every two months and the Brothel Owners would be required to have a business license to operate. Just like a butcher shop or meat plants, there would be a physical check of. if anyone is found to be in violation the premises as well as the people, if anyone is fund in violation of any of these procedures, there would be mandatory jail and social help for the workers.

This is one of the worlds oldest professions and throughout time, we as a society have always treated sex work as this taboo and a subject we don’t talk about.  Yet when we do its to turn our noses up at the people who do it and make them feel ashamed at what they do, and we treat it as an evil act.

The worker trade is no different than any other hourly wage or salary job out there and should never be treated as a taboo or wrong in any matter. The government needs to make it legal everywhere and show support as a career just as they do with any other job at a job fair.

We as a nation need to get rid of our Puritan ideas and Morality as they do not fit or belong in the 21st century. Once it becomes legal as a job with taxes, and living wage and the retirement plan, the stigma may start to disappear/ There is nothing absolutely wrong with wanting to get paid a fair wage for your talents, even if those talents are sex in some form or another that they share with others.


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