

Many ideas, conspirator thoughts arise when you hear the words Freemason, Masonic or Messianic, but in reality the Freemasons do not control the world, people always awesome that they are an evil secret society.

They are a society of secrets, but if they were so secret you would not be able to tell who they are, Masons are very identifiable by their rings that they wear, their lapel pins and the big square and compass on their buildings.

If they are a secret society, they are not doing a good job at it. If you look into your family history, most likely you have a Masonic member in it.

People even think that it is a religion, and that is not true either, yes to be a member of the Free and Accepted Mason, a person must believe in a supreme being, so atheist can not be members. Matter of fact in most Masonic lodges there is copies of all major religions holy books, such as the Holy Bible, The Qur’an, The Tanakh, Buddhavacana, Mabinogion, Bhagavad-Gita are just a few that you would see.

Masons welcome people from all religions into their mists, two rules that you learn before you ever learn anything else in a lodge, and that is you do not discuss religion nor politics, these are the two topics that are personal for everyone and to make sure no fights amongst brothers happen, you do not discuss them in the lodge. Free and Accepted Masons take good men and make them better.

Freemasons date back to before the building of the Tower of Babel, the Great Pyramids, the ancient Masons are the people who were chartered to construct and over see the building of both Temples of Solomon.

Just as any guild then and now a days, they have their secret handshakes, passwords and rituals to make sure you are who you say you are, and are worthy of being a member of the certain guild.

It’s kind of funny when people say “Oh you don’t know, because you’re not high enough.”  What they mean by that is that they tend to believe what they see in movies, tv show or read in books such as Dan Browns “The Lost Symbol”, all of them display that the 33rd is the highest and supreme ruler of all Masonic knowledge, and that is just not true. 

The 33rd degree is part of the Scottish Rites of Freemasonry, think of then as the University for Freemasons. Then there is the York Rite which is the more Esoteric side of Masonry.

In not divulging any trade secrets here, if you want to know, look on the web you just need to know what fantasy is and what is the real truth. The best way to find the real truth is become one, and then you will learn that the highest degree in Freemasonry is the 3rd degree or that of a Master Mason.

There are ma y aspects of being a Mason that is kept secret amongst lodge brothers, but there are no conspirator ideas of taking over the world.

The Freemasons even have youth groups from young men and young women and groups that have both men and women as members, Order of the Eastern Star is a Freemasonry-related fraternal organization open to both men and women. It was established in 1850 by Boston,  Members of the Order are aged 18 and older; men must be Master Masons and women must have specific relationships with Masons.

The DeMolay is open for membership to young men between the ages of 12 to 21 of good character who acknowledge a higher power. founded in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919, is an international organization for young men ages 12 to 21. DeMolay derives its name from Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

Job's Daughters International is a Masonic-sponsored youth organization for girls and young women aged 10 to 20. The organization is commonly referred to as simply Job's Daughters, and sometimes abbreviated as JDI. The organization was founded as The Order of Job's Daughters by Ethel T. Wead Mick in Omaha, Nebraska, on October 20, 1920. The purpose of the organization is to band together young girls who are related to a Master Mason, and strives to build character through moral and spiritual development.

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls (IORG) is a Masonic youth service organization which teaches leadership training through community service. Girls (ages 11–20/21) learn about the value of charity and service through their work and involvement with their annual local and Grand (state or country) service projects.

Kevin Montgomery “I have been a Mason since I turned 21 and it took me two years to become a Master Mason, and that was thirty two years ago, I went through the Scottish Rite in New Orleans and a year ago I have started going through my York Rite degrees, and I am learning more then I could have with out being a Mason.”

“I have served as Master of the Lodge at my mother lodge, twice. Trust me if there was any truth to this conspiracy crap, I would have known about it. We are just an organization that meets and talks within the fellowship, most of the time it’s about brotherhood and comradery that you share with other members.”

Freemasonry as a whole is a males only club, but in a way as the 21st century has change many things, The Free and Accepted Masons, The Prince Hall have stayed with their traditions. But there is Freemasonry out there called Co-Masonry which is for both men and women. Co-Freemasonry is a form of Freemasonry which admits both men and women. It began in France in the 1890s with the forming of Le Droit Humain, and is now an international movement represented by several Co-Masonic administrations throughout the world. Most male-only Masonic Lodges do not recognize Co-Freemasonry, holding it to be irregular, or clandestine.

Charles Anderson “I’m sorry I am a member of a Co-Masonry lodge with my wife, and I think that US Grand lodges consider them to clandestine is bulls**t, I consider my self a Mason, and I also consider my wife a Mason, we live by the Masonic moral code and that is what really counts.”

Sonja Anderson “ I became a Mason at the request of my husband, and I wanted to learn what my father learned, he has been a Freemason for fifty years. I am glad that I did, and the best moment was when my father gave me my apron, because against his own lodge he participate in making me a Mason, and helped with my Third Degree.”

“I know in some eyes I am not a Mason, because I am a woman, but my father told me that for Freemasonry to survive in the modern times it must change and adapt to what the world is now, and if that means letting women become members then so be it.”

It is hard to explain what Freemasonry is really and what it is not, unless you have through it.

Masons do not recruit, if a person who wants to become one there is only one way to do it and that is to ask a Mason about becoming one. The Masons have a saying “2B1 ASK 1”, that is how you start you Masonic life and then the lodge votes and you go through your three degrees.

Freemasonry has a lot to offer, and none of it is associated with the so called Illuminati or the New World Order. It is a social group that helps its members, and members of the community when they needed. The Masons do a lot of community service with in the lodges own community.

Being a Mason is no joke or to be taken lightly, but it is not the global conspiracy that modern media make it out to be. Most everything that is held dear to a Mason can be found on the internet, so instead of just guessing or assuming what they are or thinking you know what you are talking about, even though you are not a member.

Read and do your research all you want, but unless you take that first step and ask a Mason about becoming one, you will never know the truth and you will remain wrong in your judgment.


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