The Era of the New McCarthyism

I have one question, can we trust a Speaker of the House who blatantly said that he made backroom deals and bribes to get the votes he needed. How can any real American trust a person no matter what his political standing trust someone that has no problems bribing people to give him the power to be second in line of the President of the United States. McCarthy should have dropped out after the fourth vote denied him the position and let someone else run and try to get the votes. And he even said that the House isn’t going to any budget or anything for the American people, He just wants to investigate and try to remove Biden from office. He is a blatant trump supporter and that just goes to show that he want a dictator in power.
The House should join together and actually elect a Neutral Party member and member of the House that is an Independent, then that structure of government might actual do what they are supposed to do and not what McCarthy has for an agenda, that undermines the whole form of a citizens government. First, McCarthy resolves the disputes by granting the holdout Conservatives major concessions, which weakens him as a leader. I know I would follow anyone I know that would be a push over and get what I want.
The speaker of the House is the only congressional leadership role outlined in the Constitution. Controls the House calendar, that means no House business can be conducted before a speaker is elected, including votes to fund the basic functions of government. Until Republicans can resolve their differences and move forward, the country is effectively without a Congress to authorize federal spending to respond to a natural disaster, terrorist attack or act of war .And the thing is is that a majority of the conservative want him in this power. Knowing full blown well he wouldn’t have a problem suspending the Constitution and create a United States Dictator if he had to become President.
McCarthy even looks evil when he is talking about wanting to disrupt a functioning government, just because he is a Trump supporter and doesn’t like that Biden is accomplishing what he said he was going to do. The conservatives have turned our government into a joke and their control for supreme power.
At the time of myself finish writing this There is no speaker of the House. There are no active House lawmakers. There are no House committees. At the moment there is no functioning U.S. House of Representatives.. But no matter what happens most likely McCarthy will become the Speaker of house through Scheming and bribery to get the votes he needs, then Americans freedoms will start going out the window, because he is not the Congressman for the people and he has proven that with they way is buying his votes. He will and is wasting tax payers money by doing this and by wanting his agenda to be forced down the Americans throats.
After the House voted to adjourn until 10 p.m. Friday night, its members had spent 21 hours,34 minutes on the floor in failed efforts to elect a speaker. The total is up three hours, 39 minutes from the nearly 18 hours spent between Tuesday and Thursday. McCarthy is waiting for two ‘Allies’ to return to the House floor, so they can give him the votes and the win. Our country and democracy is in bad shape and this is one of the reason why. Conservatives will lie cheat, bribe and steal to make sure they have the power and forve all Americans to think how they want us to think.
The republikans should have told him to stand down or give the major votes to someone else, so they can start working for the tax payers, and work with the democrats getting the problems we need solved and fixed. Not going and creating fake situations and problems , such as they are wanting to do. .
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