Republicans are told to Behave at SotU Address
House Speaker Mike Johnson privately told Republicans to behave at President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech on Thursday, The request comes after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene made a spectacle of herself at last year’s address and she did again this year, she is a whiny little child that didn’t listen to the Speaker of the house. She needed to have been removed from the speech. The Speaker of the House should have been the adult and excuse himself as he interrupts the speech and tell this ‘woman’ to behave or leave. That would have been the adult thing to do, but we all know that most republicans are children and don’t like other people’s opinions. She is what the world calls a ‘Karen’.
“Decorum is the order of the day,” Johnson mentioned at the closed-door GOP meeting according to many people that attended the meeting. Johnson said they should carry ourselves with good decorum, which is funny compared with how they all acted during the speech, these people tell everyone that they need to act like adults, and when it was their turn to do it they acted like really immature children that can’t get their own ways. And people want to know why no one takes congress serious any more.
Republicans don’t need to be shrill, you know, we got to avoid that. We need to base things upon policy, upon facts, upon reality of situations. Let them do the gas lighting, let them do the blaming. Which just proved that the conservatives are the true ones gas lighting and making things up and are the ones actually blaming people and this is all because the Karen that is Greene cant behave and act like an adult that she is supposed to be.
In Biden’s Feb. 2023 address, Republicans heckled the president. Greene was the most prominent, yelling that he was a “liar.” Then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy appeared to shush her at times. The president was loudly confronted by Republicans on his claim that they wanted to cut Social Security and Medicare. A lively exchange ended with both sides appearing to mostly agree there would not be any. Rep. Tim Burchett wasn’t optimistic that fellow Republicans will dial it down this time around. He pretty much predicted they will heckle and act like children not getting their own ways. Burchett pointed to Democratic acting-out when Trump was president but did not mention examples.
Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi theatrically tore up Trump’s State of the Union speech in 2020 and several Democratic House members walked out, and I commented on that as well saying that they were acting like children as well. This is another reason why I believe we should have term limits for congress. Congress is supposed to be adults and taking on the most serious problems of the country, but yet they bicker about the most stupid things in the world, and make fun of people as if they are children playing in a third grade play yard. I have met children with more respect and decorum then any one of these people on both side of the political stand.
Now reading Trumps responses is so hypocritical and I wish conservatives would wake up and realize that trump is not good for the country and not good for their party. He is always angry, making fun and insulting people that don’t agree with him or are unique and different and he keeps saying MAGA which is a contradiction of what he does. Saying the president is on drugs during the SotU address. One thing I learned a person that protest so much on a specific topic is the one usually doing it themselves, so maybe we should give trump a drug test and see what drugs he is on. We really do need to get rid of both parties and get people in congress and the executive branch that will not put their ego and self-interest before all the citizens of the country. So I think that the conservatives need to realize they are not the centre of the world and the sun does not revolve around their ideas or their beliefs.
The behaviour of
both parties should piss everyone off enough to say enough is enough and things
need to change. Telling a small group of ego stricken politicians to behave at
a Presidential speech is something that should never have to take place and
should have been taken to heart. But no these ‘people’ think they know best and
will force their own views on everyone and demine anyone who disagrees with
their ideas need to grow up and be the adults they say they are. As I am
writing this I just read were trump has taken over the RNC and put his own
family member and a friend in charged without and opposition. This party should
just change to the Trump Dictator Party, because that is what it is becoming.
There is no more republican party they blindly follow trump no matter how evil
he is then blame and accuse the democrats for blindly following Biden. The
trump party is super hypocrites and don’t really care about anyone unless they
have the money and is willing to hand over the power supreme to their
This country will never be great again until we get rid of the people forcing their views and beliefs on everyone. I am sad for the United States and what it is becoming because the republicans and the democrats are fighting on stupid issues that were fine for decades and never should have been an issue for the 21st century. The republicans need to stop supporting terrorist and the democrats need to stop trying to change the republicans who will never believe in science or the truth over their closed mindlessness ideas. We need to start electing third party members and get rid of the two party systems that were never meant to be by our founding fathers who were also agnostic in beliefs. That’s one reason they wrote one part of the first amendment they wanted people to have freedom of religion, so you can practice your personal beliefs without government hindrance or other people saying your beliefs are wrong. The government was never to have a single religion in it. That brings me back to the owns who acted like babies during the address are the ones who think their religion should be the only one everyone follows and all others need to be abolished.
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