Political Donations Should become Illegal to a point


We need a system whereby *only* individuals can donate to political candidates and causes, and where strict limits exist. No corporate or group contributions *at all.* If a prospective donor can't vote, then they can't donate. This is the way it is supposed to work, but doesn’t because political corruption with both major parties (which is a whole different argument), but it doesn’t, so any form of political contribution for a campaigning politician should become completely illegal, and should be considered a political bribe and buying a vote. No one should donate to a person running for a political position. The money it cost should come from the political persons own pocket. Money corrupts, we see that every day in American politics, political donations should be banned. It’s also my opinion that transparency is much more important than just stopping the flow and actually Educating voters is key along with making election day an actual Federal Holiday where everyone in the country has the day off with pay as it would be a holiday, no stores, or any type of business would be open, and all people would be encouraged to vote and support the democracy that they live in.

·         Electing a government to run a country is a matter for the citizens of that country. It should not be influenced by parties that do not or cannot vote.

·         Foreign money is forbidden for good reason. The same reasons apply to corporations. Their interests are not those of the voters or citizens.

·         Corporations have far too much money to spend. their influence cannot be offset by donations from real people.

·         A politician indebted to a corporation has been compromised.

·         Just look at the results of corporate funded politicians. The health insurance companies make sure universal healthcare will never happen, the oil companies dictate to the EPA and tax law is written for the 1%.

The people need to redefine political contributions, limiting who can donate (if any) and amounts. Just look at the amount of money spent on elections, millions upon millions. So spending that amount of money for a job that pays an average of $174,000, does that not make you stop and wonder what's up? Those that give greatly to politicians are rewarded, giving us the best government money can buy. The poor, who pay no tax, are kept at bay by handouts from the government, paid from, yep, middle class taxes. Of course the fox makes the rules regarding the chicken house so who do you think the rules favour? Politicians are already falling into a ruling elite class, crafting laws that apply to everyone, except them. (Healthcare for example). They are no longer in touch with the average person, having no realization of their daily struggles and financial issues. (Recent tax law changes that ignored the middle class in favour of wealthy citizen tax breaks). The US should overturn Citizens United and significantly limit the influence of big money and dark money in politics. Money is not Free Speech! It’s probably been one of the bigger wrongs in politics the last several decades!

Campaigns should be publicly finance, We need a Constitutional amendment to declare that corporations are not people and do not have the rights people have, including participating in politics. While we’re at it, that amendment should return the status of corporations to its original state. A corporation should not be able to form unless it is able to get its charter approved; corporate political ‘gifts’ (illegal donations) presently raise a blend of moral, legitimate, and business issues. Gifts effectively adjust political possibility to corporate interests yet additionally snare partnerships in political undertakings. Now and again, these gifts sit in strain with expressed corporate qualities and responsibilities. For instance, how might we answer partnerships that freely declare support for a lady's all in all correct to get to fetus removal administrations while slicing checks to legislators and political gatherings effectively attempting to boycott admittance to early termination administrations?

Direct corporate political contribution stays a moderately new peculiarity. Until the U.S. High Court's choice in Residents Joined v. Government Political decision Commission (2010), corporate cash generally remained uninvolved during political missions. Obviously, political activity panels (PACs) existed, and corporate representatives and investors could intentionally add to these boards. In any case, organizations themselves were not free to straightforwardly exhaust corporate assets to help political missions. Residents Joined changed this dynamic. Companies were unexpectedly ready to use corporate assets and furthermore found them confronting gift demands from administrators. Given these difficulties and dangers, numerous partners could like to restrict organizations from making these gifts as opposed to confiding in corporate supervisors to straight save their own advantages and act in the genuine interests of the company.All in all corporations and non-individual people should not be donating anything to any political party or individual. Donations have corrupted the free citizen choice of who should be serving them, but instead it is the corporations and lobbyist telling the politicians not to listen to the people, but to listen to them, they know better and really know what the people want and that the people don’t know what is really good for them. This is actually a form of dictatorship. Politicians not listening to the people and doing what they want and don’t truly care about anyone who doesn’t donate millions of dollars to their pocket book.


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